Tuesday, November 2, 2021


A friend was having a difficult time forgiving people in her past who had wronged her. Boy, could I identify. I could write a book! Wait, I am ... lol.

After recalling the history of my life for the last several years while writing my book, I know how painful the past can be.

I told her the best thing was to ask God to help her, and she may have to forgive them over and over, but eventually, she would get there!

Forgiving is a lot like grief. There is no map or special formula. It takes time to work thru it, but faith in God will help.

Perhaps the most difficult to achieve is forgiving yourself that you allowed someone to hurt you. Odis used to tell me a lot, “Suzie, while you are forgiving others, don’t forget to forgive yourself.”

Even after the forgiveness is determined in your heart, you may resent what was done to you.

Understanding forgiveness is important. You are not saying you weren’t hurt. It happened. Even when you still remember, accept that you cannot change the past and, in time, the hurt will fade.

Remember, not forgiving hurts you, not them.

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