Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Knowledge is power and Godly knowledge is powerful!

 If there was a way couples could figure out each other's personality before they married, there would be fewer divorces! 

My first husband had to have people around him to make him feel secure. Not just any people, but party people! 

I, on the other hand, was raised in the church and loved church people! Even though I had strayed from it in my teen years, as I got older I drew back to those friends as I realized my life priorities and reclaimed my heritage!  
Our marriage had two people who needed two types of people to fit our personalities, and they did not blend! His upbringing was not a teaching of commitment to marriage, mine was!  If we could have had this insight early in our relationship, we would have gone our separate ways before making a family! 

Not sure how we could implement this or if young people would accept it, but it could avoid a lot of heartache and broken families! 

One positive way is to be mature enough to know, really know the person you are marrying. There is a difference between love and lust! Some young couples get lucky, and it works, but too many times, it doesn't!  

After my divorce, I prayed for a Christian husband! It was my biggest priority. Not knowing that my first genuine love had been divorced for 3 years, I sought him out! Unusual events reunited us, and we had the same priorities and needed the same type of friendships  

After unfortunate marriages, our experiences had taught us to pray about our relationship. We knew we had an actual love for each other and not lust!

Knowledge is power and Godly knowledge is powerful!  
Read my story in AGAINST ALL ODDS, We Found The Perfect Love available Valentine Day 2020!

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