Sunday, October 17, 2021

Our Redeemer Cometh

 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. I Corinthians 13:11 NIV.

I was in church my entire life! My mother said I threw my baby bottle on the concrete floor of the church they attended! I hope she busted my bottom, but probably didn’t 

Our childhood experiences mold our thinking. I heard things as a child in the church that either I misinterpreted or was said in ignorance, but either way, my ears heard them, and my mind kept them! We have to sort out the good things from the bad and figure out the difference! Hopefully, we will use the Holy Scripture as our guide! 

Those lessons will be useful in these last days of the world as we knew it in the past! One thing we know! Jesus is coming back to take the church home to be with Him! It’s not a church with a label but those who look for His appearing!

Every day, a preacher or prophet will make the statement that Jesus is coming soon. I’ve heard it all my life. It could be so easy to become lax and think it’s never going to happen, but I assure you… That appearing will happen one day. It may not be in my lifetime, but God’s promises are yay and amen and will take place.

Things seem really bad now. The daily news is not good! The economy is bad, food and gas are going out the wazoo, and Christians are being punished. I never thought in my lifetime churches in America would be persecuted. That only happens in the countries that we send missionaries to. Things look bleak and hopeless, but guess what… I’ve read the end of the story. We win!

Lookup for our Redeemer draweth nigh!

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