Monday, July 5, 2021

June Blog for ALt Magazine

Happy Father’s Day to All Dads!

Babies usually say dada before they say, mama! Most little girls idolize their fathers, and that superman status is maintained in their eyes until they become a teenager... Then it fades until they are ready to find a husband, and they look for someone like Dad, their first superstar!

I was no exception! My Dad was my hero! I thought, “My daddy can fix anything!” I respected his values, and my biggest fear was disappointing him!

In the fifties, church attendance was a family affair, and parents were revered. Most Americans were patriotic, and boys were proud to serve in the military. Today that sounds like a fairytale.

My fondest memories are of Sunday family dinners. My Dad worked from 3 to 11, and on Saturdays, he drove to Fouke to work at the farm. Sundays were set aside for rest and worship, and no one worked. The meal cooked during church, and after the service, we joined around the table, said grace, and sat down to eat together. We discussed our weeks' activities with no TV or cell phone distractions and learned about life from our parents, not a TV screen. 

When television arrived at our house in the mid-50s, shows were family-oriented. Lucy and Desi Arnaz slept in twin beds, and they could not mention the word pregnant.

The challenge of fatherhood is greater today than at any other time in our history! The family unit has changed, and over 69 percent of homes have more than one father figure! Technology has replaced our quality time, and the family is no longer respected. Today, it is not unusual for teens to be texting during mealtime with no communication with parents.

Writing this article has reminded me how different life was in the fifties. Entering the world of modern conveniences should have made life simple, but it has become more time-consuming. We have made significant trade-offs for our lifestyle. I hope it has been worth it.

Happy Heavenly Father’s Day, daddy.

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