Friday, May 29, 2020


In His Steps. If I remember correctly, that book birthed the WWJD idea.  The novel portrays a group of businessmen in a town who asked in all their decisions the question: What would Jesus do in this situation?  I've thought about and wondered how that would work out in today's setting with the government intervention in our daily activities. 

Our world has changed from the Fifties!  Some for good, some for bad! The invention of the internet, iPhones, and WiFi has changed our society.  Krushchev said he would destroy us without firing a shot because of our rights!  Sometimes I think he was right! 

We must live the best we can, make moral decisions, and don't deceive ourselves about what is bad but ask for forgiveness when we sin.

Only God knows our heart and the Holy Spirit will convict. Jesus earned the right to forgive us for our sins and is the best role model. 

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