Sunday, July 7, 2019

It's Complicated

Am I the only one whose life gets complicated at times?  I remember thinking when I first met Odis, I was trying to figure out if this handsome, compassionate, loving man was for real and why he loved me. I made the statement, "Geezz, this being single and dating thingy is becoming complicated."

I see people's FB status that says: "It's complicated." What does that mean? Is their life complicated or their relationship? Either you are single, engaged or married! Of course, social media has opened up a whole new "can of worms" for couples today. People can carry on a relationship on their Facebook page and no one is the wiser. Maybe that's what "complicated" means. Webster's defines it as "no longer simple and straightforward." Now that I understand.

What happened to Truth, Justice, and the American way? We need more men like Superman. Not the red cape but tells the truth, is loyal and has integrity. He never said he loved Jesus but Dean Cain, who played Superman does.  Maybe it was written on the cape and we never saw it.

I miss the days when your word was your bond and people had character and integrity.
#Suzietylerwriter #Beau-max #AGAINSTALLODDS  #ThePerfectLove

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