Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Intro to On Loan From God For 24 Hours



 Copyright ©2019 Suzie Tyler

 Everyone wants a telephone line to Heaven. If one were available, we could talk with our loved ones who have left this earth. I wanted 30 more minutes with the love of my life. A few nights ago, I dreamed that Odis was talking to a men’s group comparing the military soldier to that of the warrior as a Christian. I was in another part of the church, helping with the music, and when I finished, I walked down to where I knew he was speaking. He was in a green army uniform with lace-up boots. The meeting was over, and I grabbed hold of his arm and walked up a long concrete ramp holding on to him. The dream seemed very real to me. For a moment, I thought he must not have died, and I only imagined it. As we reached the top of the ramp, I woke up.”

His death was so sudden I always wished I could have had a few more hours with him or had a little warning. After that dream, thoughts ran through my mind of what I would do if I could have 24 hours more with him. As I birthed the story in my heart, I jumped up and ran to the computer and wrote as fast as I could because I did not want to leave out a thing. This short story is a result of that dream.



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