Sunday, August 28, 2011

I am hard hearted.... It is Official!!

Don't you just love it when someone tells you that you "don't have a heart", are "heartless" or "hard hearted"...  It is usually in jest but might give you a jolt from the "wrong person"..  haha

I have always been the comedic one in my family and the "standing joke" is that I don't have a heart.  Anytime I have had to have a check-up that involved my heart, it is always "is there a heart in there?"   Well, of course there is a heart to pump blood and give you life.   Duh!!

Okay, I had my sleep study done and here are the results of my "hyperventilation problem!   I  have a "hard heart" .   Actually, I have a bulked heart.  The heart is a muscle and when it is overworked, it becomes thick!  Mine has worked overtime for many years trying to compensate for me not resting properly at night.  You always hear that you need 8 hours of sleep but in reality, you need REM and  NREM sleep so your body rests and restores its energy levels!  I have always been a "nite owl" and stayed up until midnight.  But when I did go to sleep, I was not really "sleeping much REM sleep".    I always considered sleep wasteful...  I could always think of a jillion things I could be doing instead of sleeping..  haha    Guess God had a purpose when He rested after 6 days of creation and our body needs that time sleeping to replenish!  

During sleep, the body cycles between non-REM and REM,  sometimes called paradoxical  sleep.  Typically, people begin the sleep cycle with a period of non-REM sleep followed by a very short period of REM sleep. Dreams generally occur in the REM stage of sleep.  During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and appears to strengthen the immune system. As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep.   Who "woulda thought"  sleep was so complicated!! 

Blood pressure measures Systolic and Diastolic.  Systolic blood pressure (the top number) measures the amount of pressure that blood exerts on vessels while the heart is beating. Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) measures the pressure in your vessels between heartbeats. (when the heart is resting)

My diastolic is the culprit and since my heart has become thick, it cuts down on the amount of oxygen that is used to mix with carbon dioxide for good deep breathing thus a "hyperventilation" effect.  I am taking an ace inhibitor which will (in layman's terms) "soften the heart".   It works by decreasing certain chemicals that tighten the blood vessels, so blood flows more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more efficiently and give me more oxygen to process with the carbon dixoide.  It will also lower my diastolic blood pressure.    That along with a higher setting on my BiPap, should help the overall process.  

The drama side of this is "a hard hearted mama" but the medical side is "it is fixable"  haha  I am also starting the Tai Chi classes and the deep breathing exercises will be an added plus.  Geezzz, I may have found my "fountain of youth" here!!  Now if I can just loose about 35 pounds!

When I took my first pill, I waited about 5 minutes and said "Oh, my gosh" and Odis said "what" and I said "It's working, my heart is getting softer"...  I think he rolled his eyes at me....  He is so lucky to live with a "drama driven, beautiful, exciting,  sweet, loving trophy wife....  Well, one out of five "ain't too bad"....   ~Grin~  

With all the research I have done on all my medical experiences this past 12 months, I think I can add doctor to my name....   That would be Dr. Suzie, please....   haha

On a serious note, if you do have high blood pressure, please see your doctor.  It is not something to play around with.  

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