Saturday, September 4, 2010

US Open

The US Open began on Aug 30 and will continue to September 12.  I have some friends that will attend on September 11 and hopefully there will be some remembrance of  9/11/2001. Our country needs some healing and some looking forward to a more united spirit. 

Whether you watch or are a fan of Glenn Beck is not important, but he is bringing history to our attention more than I can remember since I was in high school. Our country is in trouble and I don't think any political party can repair it. 
We must look within ourselves and be responsible for bringing our own families back to Jehovah God. Only when we can recognize that we need character, integrity and responsibility along with Faith, Hope and Charity will we be able to know America as our founding fathers envisioned for us.  

On this holiday weekend, I hope you will reflect and see what you can do in your family and community to bring about a safer, more loving country. It has to start with one!! 

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